If your email has stopped, please know that your email subscription is NOT tied to donations and are available at no cost to you. 

The email subscription also does not expire or need to be renewed. 

To see what might have happened and to find out how to resume getting the emails, please click the links below.

Do you forward the email?

If you forward the email subscription those you forward it to you may be selecting the unsubscribe option. If they do this, it will unsubscribe you from the emails.

To ensure that you cannot be inadvertently unsubscribed again, please do one of the following:

1. Every time you forward the email, scroll down to the bottom before sending to delete the "Unsubscribe" button or "Remove" the hyperlink as shown below. You will need to RIGHT click on the button in order to remove the hyperlink. 

2. Contact those you forward the email to on a regular basis to ensure that they would like to continue receiving the devotionals from you. 

3. Encourage your loved ones to sign up for their own subscription. This way you don't need to forward your emails, but everyone gets the devotional and can manage their subscriptions personally.

The link to have everyone sign up for emails on their own is https://odbm.org/about-us/email-subscription or they can email contactsupport@odb.org and we can manually sign them up.

Email Domain Issues  

It may be that your emails are still being sent but that your inbox is either moving them to a spam holding spot or there might be an issue with your domain updating their settings 

To help you receive the emails please add donotreply@messages.odb.org to your list of trusted contacts. This will move items from your spam box to the main inbox and even "retrain" your domain to allow emails to be delivered. 

Contact Us

If you still have issues with receiving the emails please email us at contactsupport@odb.org or select the orange "Contact Us" button on the lower right corner of your screen.